scores (previews)

The scores are on sale.
Write me an email at francois.sarhan[at] for instance.
You can pay via paypal or bank transfer, i'll send you the pdf via email. 
 Please declare the performance to your copyright society (SACEM, GEMA, SABAM, etc.)
-This list is non complete, and all the scores are not online. Please ask for more info.
For the visuals (collages, books and video), please ask (francois.sarhan[at]
The scores with a * are recorded and available on CD (>discography)


various instrumentations

Short pieces for any performer: text and body percussion. 1 up to 4 performers.
Details and descriptions are here
  1. Remember
  2. Succumb
  3. Use composition...
  4. Vice versa
  5. If you have to
  6. A good action
  7. Imagination
  8. Art incognito
  9. Obsessions
  10. Only
  11. Forget it
  12. Announcement
  13. The world is my imagination
  14. it can't be!
  15. Freiheit und Macht
  16. Understand
  17. If you don´t own
  18. "I" is an identity fantasy
  19. We do not need regulation
  20. If i know...
  21. Audience reactions
  22. Before
  23. The worker
  24. ...
  25. Enough
  26. Theatre

Hell (a small detail)* (2001)
for amplified bass clarinet, guitar and violin (8 mn) 
commissioned by Sonor ensemble (Baku, Azerbaidjan)
first performed on the 14th of april 2001 in Odessa (Ukrain), at Two days and two nights of Music festival.

Oh, Nuncle*
for 4 voices (satb), (9 mn)
on fragments of King Lear,
commissioned by Music i Väst (Sweden). premiere : february 2003, by VOX vocal ensemble.

Such is life*

for 4 voices (satb). (6 mn)
text : E. Lear ; first performance : 8th of february 2001 in Stockholm, by VOX ensemble.

Lucy B
for mezzo or soprano and string quartet
commissioned Théâtre d'Orléans (France),
first performance : 9th of april 2011 by Mrs Dupuis and the Diotima Quartet.
  1. Overture
  2. How she was born
  3. Supper's ready
  4. Mystical question
  5. The answer
  6. ------
  7. a week of Lucy B.

for flute, fender rhodes and tape/computer/CD
commissioned by Donaueschinger Musik Tage 2011, first performed by Ensemble Recherche in october 2011. (7mn)


for string quartet, (23mn)
commissioned by festival Octobre en Normandie.
first performance 17th of october 2002, by Rosamonde String Quartet.

28 janvier 2005

for baritone and piano, (12 mn)
commissioned byLa Péniche opéra, Paris
premiered by Lionel Peintre and Vincent Leterme, 6th of june 2005, in La Péniche Opéra, Paris.
listen to 28 janvier 2005 here

Black page* & Sleep Dirt*

2 pieces by Frank Zappa,
arranged for string quartet (10 mn),
distant transcription s, premiered by quatuor Rosamonde, Rouen, (same than bobok) 2002.


for four percussionnists (15 mn)
premiered by Drumming grupo de percussao,
in Orléans, scène Nationale,
april 2011.
look and listen to Talea here



 O piano

 (2012), 14 mn.
for a speaking pianist and prerecorded sounds (in english)
score & prerecorded sounds on request (email on contact page)
watch and listen to a wonderful french version by my friend Nicolas Mallarte HERE

prélude & fugue in C*, from the well tempered keyboard

after JS Bach (2 mn)
transcribed (rewritten) for piano for Antony Gray

Finger and Mouth
for keyboard and video
commissioned by Zeitraume Festival and Wien Modern. 
premiered in 2017 by Clemens Hund-Göschel. (12mn)

Here it ended even further
two pieces (5 minutes each), for solo piano,
premiered during Hagiographie

, théâtre des bouffes du Nord, june 2011,
by Sébastien Vichard.

electric guitar

My Uselessness



premiered by François Deppe,
 Paris, april 2008. (3 mn)
extract from "telegrams from the Nose"

Observations sur les ombres accidentelles et les murmures colorés
for cello and tape/computer/CD.
Commissioned and premiered by Noémi Boutin (2011)
(14 minutes)


Un Chevalier

solo violin or solo strohviolin, text based on Daniil Harms.
(3 mn)

premiered by Igor Semenoff, 
Paris, april 2008.
extract from "telegrams from the Nose"

Oublié ! / Forgotten

solo violin, text based on Daniil Harms. (4mn)

Deluxe Coucou

solo violin, exists also with ensemble, see below (5mn)


Analogy Fair
 for 2 speaking  players
10 mn30, 2017 

for solo body percussion (have a look!)

I don't belong to your world
for a speaking marimba player
(playing on a prepared marimba)
6 mn30, 2010/2013

score on request :

SHOWS, STAGE MUSIC, music theatre

Telegrams from the Nose (have a look !)

35 minutes
5 musicians and a narrator.
chamber opera on texts by Daniil Harms, François Sarhan and William Kentridge.
stage design and direction: William Kentridge.
commissioned by opera de lille
premiered in Paris in april 2008.

Lear Summaries

preview of the opera
four solo voices
20 minutes,
commissioned by Vox ensemble, Sweden.
premiered in july 2007 in Viitasaari.

Les Articulations de la Reine

music puppet theater with CRWTH collective. 
(one hour 10 mn)
on an original idea by François Sarhan, text by Bertrand Raynaud, set by Fred Pommerehn.
commissioned by Archipel festival, Genève. 
premiered march 8 and 9th 2005, and toured in Europe, 
april 2005 / january 2006.

Kyrielle du Sentiment des Choses*

for 5 voices, prepared piano and electronics. (65 mn)
on an original text by Jacques Roubaud, 
commissioned and produced by 
Théâtre et Musique, 55th festival d'art lyrique d'Aix-en-Provence, Théatre National de la Colline and Octobre en Normandie. 
Avant-première at festival d’Aix-en-Provence, juillet 2003.
Premiere at Théâtre de la Colline, Paris, 5th march-3rd april 2004.
by Ring Ensemble (Helsinki), Vincent Leterme, piano.

Home Work (have a look)

60 minutes,
video, text, music and direction by François Sarhan
music theater, with Ictus Ensemble.
commissioned by Bregenzer Festspiele.
premiered in Bregenz Kunst aus der Zeit 2011.

A King, Lear

90 minutes (have a look)
music theatre, on an original text by Jacques Roubaud, based on Shakespeare piece. commissioned by Vara Konzerthus, Automne en Normandie, premiered in le Havre fall 2011.
With Johanne Saunier, Jim Clayburgh, Diotima quartet, Julie Verbinen, Miquel Bernat and Vox vocal quartet

Les leçons du professeur Glaçon

series of music theater performances, 60 minutes each.
1. la guitare automatique
2. la vie des bêtes
3. Hagiographie
4. le serpent à cordes
5. the life and work of Mario Bossi
various instrumentations.
music, video, text and conception by françois sarhan.

L'abominable docteur Orloff*

series of radiophonic sketches, for narrator and 5 musicians,
texts by François Sarhan, based on "The awful Dr Orloff", by Jess Franco (1960)
40 minutes in total.



for ensemble (10 musicians)
commissioned by Ensemble Mozaik, Siemens Stiftung and festival Eclat 
premiered on janary 31st 2018


Wandering Rocks*
for 4 electric guitars and electronics (2013)

Deluxe coucou
(8 minutes)
Commissioned by Reconsil Ensemble, Vienna.
for violin solo and ensemble :
flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, cello, double bass and piano.

7 minutes
for guitar, piano, stroh violin, percussion, double bass and pre recorded sound.
commissioned by Arsenal de Metz, first performed by Ictus Ensemble.

listen to Missing here

19 musicians and electronics
50 minutes
on texts from Testimony, 
by charles Reznikoff.
commissioned by Arsenal de Metz.
premiered by Ensemble Modern in june 2007.

*The name of the song
for string trio, percussion, electronics, fender rhodes and narrator.
14 minutes.
commissioned by Donaueschingen Festival,
premiered by Ensemble Recherche, october 2007.
listen to The Name of the Song HERE

L'Nfer, un point de détail*
60 minutes
Evening event, including installation, music, and spoken text.
Text, set, music : François Sarhan
Production : Metz, Arsenal, 
first performance : november 23rd, 2006
excerpt : récit 1

available on Itunes

score on request :

5 pieces for viola and orchestra
2/2/2/2 -4/2/2/3-hpa, pno, 2percs, timbs, strings : 8/7/6/5/4(12 mn)
commissioned by Radio France. 
premiere in march 2005, 
by orchestre Philarmonique de Radio France, with Vincent Gaugué, viola.
excerpt : #4

for full orchestra (2010)
(25 mn) 
commissioned by Mödchengladbach Philharmonie, 
for the Rheinischer Symphony Orchestra
premiered in Rheidt, spring 2010

Petit Dibbuk
for small orchestra (1/1/1/1/1, 2/0/0/0, strings : 6/5/4/3/2) (2011)
(17 mn)
commissioned by Orchestre des pays de Savoie,
premiered in Orléans, Febr. 2012.

score on request :


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